Karen and Dennis Huffman of Elkridge celebrate her $50,000 Holiday Ca$h top-prize scratch-off win.
Howard County wife enjoys top-prize win on Holiday Ca$h scratch-off
If Karen Huffman’s husband tells you that his plan worked exactly as he envisioned, he’s pulling your leg. While he might have dreamed that one of the Lottery scratch-offs he routinely purchases as holiday gifts for family and friends would win big, the Elkridge resident was as shocked as his wife when the Holiday Ca$h scratch-off in her Christmas stocking carried a $50,000 top prize.
“We were a few minutes into opening gifts Christmas morning when I scratched it,” Karen told Lottery officials. “I couldn’t believe my eyes. I was in shock.”
With her husband Dennis and two sons gathered around to confirm that her eyes were, in fact, to be believed, Karen shouted in joy and then broke into tears. “Christmas is such a happy day anyway,” she explained. “To have my family all together and then for this to happen, it was just too much.”
Karen buys Lottery games only occasionally. “I might get them a little more often, now. You know, just in case!”
Her winning instant ticket hailed from Walmart #5228 at 6405 Dobbin Road in Columbia. Dennis reports two other winning scratch-offs worth $250 and $50 were found in the family’s stockings, too. For its role in selling a $50,000 top-prize winning scratch-off, the Howard County retailer will receive a $500 bonus from the Lottery.
Holiday Ca$h is a $5 game that went on sale in October. Six of the instant ticket’s eight $50,000 top prizes are still available. The family plans to dedicate the Holiday Ca$h winnings to a few home remodeling projects and to pay off bills. Karen added, “I’ll probably set some aside for a cruise with my sister.”