Lucky Player Scores Second Top-Prize Scratch-off Win in Two Months

Baltimore City woman claims $100,000 top prize on $100,000 Crossword scratch-off

When asked how she won two big top prizes on scratch-offs only months apart, the Baltimore resident had a simple answer. She checks the Maryland Lottery app to see which scratch-offs still have several large top prizes remaining and buys those games.

Her latest search brought her to the 8th edition of the $100,000 Crossword scratch-off. She purchased five of the $10 games at Harford Citgo in Baltimore and won a $100,000 top prize on one scratch-off. After winning $50,000 on a Ca$h Plu$ instant ticket just last month, this big win brings her total score to $150,000 in just two months.

The winner is partial to scratch-offs and Multi-Match. On the day she bought the $100,000 Crossword scratch-offs, her gut feeling led her toward that specific game. She won smaller prizes on some of the other instant tickets, too!

The lucky lady knew right away that she had an additional top-prize payday coming as soon as she scanned her scratch-off using the Maryland Lottery app. She immediately shared the great news with her daughter, who was as equally as excited.

She doesn’t yet have big plans for her winnings except for doing a few home projects. A retiree from a major Baltimore-area company, the winner stays busy with her two daughters and nearly a dozen grandchildren and great-grandchildren. When not playing Lottery games or being with her big family, she enjoys working puzzles.

The $100,000 Crossword game’s 8th edition went on sale in June with 10 top prizes; six remain, along with 10 $10,000 prizes and others ranging from $10 to $1,000. For its role in selling a $100,000 top-prize winning scratch-off, the business located at 2330 Harford Road in Baltimore City earns a $1,000 Lottery bonus.