Clothing Designer Has His Lottery Win All Sewn Up

A Baltimore resident and part-time clothing designer, wearing an Imperial Designs sweat suit that he designed himself, visited Lottery headquarters on Sept. 10 to claim a $50,000 scratch-off prize.

Owner of Imperial Designs claims $50,000 on Ca$h Bonus scratch-off ticket

A typical day of running errands, including the purchase of a few scratch-off tickets, turned into a day that a lucky clothing designer from Baltimore will never forget.

“It was perfect timing,” he said as he visited Lottery headquarters to claim a $50,000 prize on the $10 Ca$h Bonus ticket.

The 41-year-old said he was feeling confident he would turn his spare $20 into a $100 win, so he bought a pair of $10 tickets. The first of them wasn’t a winner, and he checked the second one expecting a shot at a $100 win. But he ended up with a whole lot more than that.

He bought his tickets at Royal Farms #017 located at 8207 Harford Road in Baltimore. He occasionally plays other Lottery games as well, said he prefers to stick with scratch-offs.

“There were no jitters, emotions or anything,” the lucky winner said. “I actually thought it was phony,” he added. But he went home and showed his wife of nine years, and after they both confirmed that he had a winning ticket, that’s when the reality of his Lottery luck began sinking in.

The lucky winner designs clothes on a part-time basis and has a full-time job where he has worked for the past 16 years. He also has two children, and said part of his winnings will go toward the purchase of a new car for his daughter. The rest will be used for home improvements and investment into his Imperial Designs clothing brand.

The Ca$h Bonus ticket was just launched in August, and seven of its $100,000 top prizes remain unclaimed, along with seven more $50,000 prizes, 23 $10,000 prizes and thousands of additional prizes ranging from $10 to $1,000.