Finds Lottery luck in Aug. 3 Bonus Match 5 drawing
A Parkville player who turned up in the Maryland Lottery Winner’s Circle this week told officials she enjoys Lottery games immensely. The self-described “frequent” player likes every part of the process necessary to a Lottery purchase from selecting the store to picking the game and numbers. She has now discovered a part of the process, however, that she enjoys even more — claiming a $50,000 prize.
“I’m a scratch-off fan and a Bonus Match 5 fan, so those are the tickets I usually pick,” said the school system employee. “And, I go to four stores to get them. One store one day, another one the next.” It was a change to this part of her process that she believes might have made all of the difference on Aug. 3.
Deciding to visit a different Lottery retailer that day, one outside of her usual routine, our winner walked into Speedy Convenience at 7101 Darlington Drive in Baltimore. “I don’t know why. I drive by Lottery stores every day without stopping because I like to stick to my system.”
She told Lottery officials that she was in a scratch-off playing mood on Aug. 3 so she bought a few instant tickets. “I was about to leave when I noticed two dollar bills in my purse.” Reversing course, the Baltimore County woman purchased a $2 quick-pick Bonus Match 5 ticket for that night’s drawing. “It really came down to those two split-second decisions. It’s crazy.”
The first thing the lucky lady will do with her $50,000 top prize is tackle a few bills. “After that, I have no idea. Something fun will pop into my head, I’m sure.” Management at Speedy Convenience will face a similar decision when the Baltimore County business receives a $500 Lottery bonus for selling the top-prize winning ticket.