Parkton Retiree Claims $50,000 VaxCash 2.0 Prize
Parkton retiree Melvin Rosier, Jr. claims his $50,000 VaxCash 2.0 Promotion prize.
Parkton retiree Melvin Rosier, Jr. claims his $50,000 VaxCash 2.0 Promotion prize.
“Booster Bucks” of Hyattsville plans to pay off student loans with some of her $50,000 VaxCash 2.0 Promotion prize.
Winner was selected in second drawing on Feb. 22 The second of the 12 prizes in the VaxCash 2.0 Promotion was awarded to a 52-year-old Montgomery County resident who visited […]
“Mi Familia” of Dundalk claimed a $500,000 prize in the first drawing of the VaxCash 2.0 Promotion.
Partnership between Maryland Lottery, Maryland Department of Health incentivizes Marylanders to get COVID-19 booster shots In an effort to incentivize Marylanders to get COVID-19 booster vaccines, Governor Larry Hogan, the […]
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